Our Story

Our Story

At Gambit Growing, our story began when co-founders Connor and Michael met in a Masters of Global Business class that Michael was teaching. Bonding over their shared passion for gardening and its growing community, they recognized the need for high-quality gardening equipment designed specifically for the unique needs of indoor growers. Connor had a personal connection to growing plants, having cultivated them with his parents for a family member who suffered a bad car accident.

Together, they recognized the need for high-quality gardening equipment designed specifically for the unique needs of various plant growers. They set out to create a company that would provide the community with the type of products they deserved - products that were not only effective but also safe, durable, and reliable.

Today, Gambit Growing is proud to offer a wide range of top-quality gardening equipment. We remain committed to our mission of supporting the growing community and providing them with the best possible products and customer service.